Couples Coaching
Learning to open your heart, let go of “being right” and gain a perspective will lead you to a greater joy in your relationship than you can imagine! Promise! (Couple’s Coaching could be with anyone with whom you have a close relationship)
Are you about to commit to each other?
Interested in taking your relationship to the next level? Does it feel like something is missing? Believe it or not you can have a relationship free of blame and criticism, one that is vibrant not just comfortable and secure. You deserve that! We all do! But, after the romance wanes this objective is nearly impossible to obtain and sustain without the tools to do so and a safe environment to practice them- that is exactly what I provide.
When we work together
When we work together, we will be determining your Enneagram Types (see Personality Assessment section) so you can see how based solely on your type structure where you will clash which is often the basis of recycled arguments or come together. Understanding each other’s type will support you to see the different ways you both think and feel and why. From there, we will dive into the tools to create more connection and love than you can imagine. As you dig deep it might feel scary, but as humans, love and connection is really what we want and need but we get in our own way, create separation and then feel resentful of our partner.