Personality Assessment/Enneagram
The Enneagram: A Self-Awareness and Relationship Tool
What is it?
The Enneagram personality mapping system teaches us about 9 different archetypal, ego structure types. It’s a powerful tool that supports individuals and leaders to develop their emotional intelligence (single predictor of success in a leader’s life) by surfacing their unconscious and habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving which were developed early on in life. By Type, it also indicates your growth path, differentiating it from so many other assessments. The transformation can then begin because you know where you need to go!!!
So, why is this important?
Many of us live in our ego patterns and we don’t even know it. By becoming aware of what our habitual patterns are, we can then choose when they support us and when they don’t in decisions and situations. They then don’t “run” us! There is choice! In learning that there are eight other ways people view the world and think, you will gain more compassion for others and understand why and how they have different needs and need to be engaged differently. As a leader, this is essential in understanding and knowing how to manage the varying needs of each employee or client. The Enneagram is the fastest growing personal development tool being used today to connect more authentically with those with whom you care the most whether they are colleagues, family members or you!