Retreats and Forums
If you want to catapult your learning, put yourself in a feedback rich environment! Forums (a group of 6-10 people committed to meet over time) or participating in a retreat is the best place to do exactly that! These two modalities of group learning are where only conversations that matter occur, big questions are asked and where all members hold a safe space for each other to learn and grow. We use participant issues to learn and apply self-awareness tools which will be useful to you throughout your life. It’s a laboratory for deep reflection, learning about your capacity and potential and for practicing new behaviors. Getting feedback from people you don’t know on how you show up is invaluable. As your guide, I will challenge you, support you, teach you how to source within yourself insights and answers and hold you accountable. These are immersion experiences which is the best way to rejuvenate and create the changes you want and long for in your life.
Several times a year, I hold retreats out of my Vero Beach, Florida home but forums or retreats may be hosted by businesses or individuals. Look to events to see when retreats are scheduled.